...for assistance in resolving physical &/or emotional problems that are getting in the way of leading the life you desire.

I have well-rounded training and experiences with a BA in Psychology, a Massage Therapy license, a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and a Mental Health Counseling License. For 25 years I've had a Natural Health Care practice in Brooklyn, NY serving the general public, and for the last 19 years have been part of a CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) team in an agency serving people with HIV/Substance Use or Mental health problems.

I am versed in using Western herbal remedies, yoga, Mindfulness Meditation, Emotional Freedom technique, traditional talk therapy and cognitive behavioral techniques.

Besides health and neuromusculoskeletal problems, I work with stress related disorders, depression, anxiety, loneliness,blocked emotion, grief and the dying process.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What have I been doing?

Facilitating Awakening the Dreamer Symposiums in Brooklyn. Starting a TransitionTowns Initiating Group in Brooklyn. Offering a Mindfulness Support Group in my home in Brooklyn. Boarding dogs and visiting cats while thier parents are away. Seeing clients in my Mixed BodyMindPsyche Practice. Taking Tango and Ballroom dance classes. Doing weight training, spinning and Zumba at the local Y. Walking in Prospect Park for exercise and for nature absorbing and bird watching and listening. Searching for employment that uses my Counseling and Healthy Lifestyle knowledge and experience. Digging in the dirt in Prospect Farm Community Garden and the Permaculture projects at the Old stone House in Brooklyn. Being too serious. Needing to spend more time with friends and in light hearted activity. Worrying too much and not being grateful enough.